THE COUNTRY IS NOT WITH US by Thomas A. Droleskey May 28, 2001 The decision by Vermont Senator James Jeffords to bolt from the Republican Party has all sent so-called "conservatives" into states of apoplexy. The reflexive apologists of President George W. Bush have really convinced themselves that the fact that their hero is president is a sign that the country accepts his agenda. It does not. Indeed, these apologists have embraced the delusional notion that the 2000 election signaled a return to the "conservatism" of the 1980s, ignoring the inconvenient little fact that the combined popular votes of former Vice President Albert Arnold Gore Jr. and Ralph Nader eclipsed the total won by Bush by more than three million votes, a clear sign that the country has not embraced any retreat from legalized baby-killing and the ever more intrusive growth of the power of the federal government. Secular conservatives are people who are convinced that there is some purely secular and religiously indifferentist way to view the world and resolve various social problems. This belief flies in the face of Catholic social teaching, which instructs us that a society which rejects the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ and the authority of His true Church is bound to descend to the level of abject barbarism, all of which augments the power of state unfettered by any submission whatsoever to the primacy of the Divine positive law and the natural law over us men and our civil societies. Alas, the delusion folks in "conservatom" demonstrate that they are soulmates of the ultimate relativist, Bill Clinton, trying to spin the actual state of the real world to conform to their own delusional notions that everything is going to be fine as long as we exalt the flawed nature of the American founding, avoid any discussion of "divisive" things such as denominational religion, and keep making one compromise after another in order to win the favor of "moderates" and "independents" who want to keep baby- killing legal and who want no end to the entitlements provided them by the government. President George W. Bush himself embraces this very delusional notion. His effusive praise of the late President Lyndon Baines Johnson's Great Society demonstrates that he (or those who write the copy he reads so eagerly and so uncritically) accepts the expansion of the power of the federal government, largely engineered as a result of the various Masonic attacks on the stability of the family, as an unquestioned part of American government. There is no effort on the part of the new president even to make the case against the Great Society on the basis of the clear words of the American Constitution, which do not give the federal government the sort of power it has been exercising since the 1930s and the 1960s, no less an understanding borne of the natural law and of Catholic social teaching which stresses the principle of subsidiarity. No, the addle-brained president mouths slogans to make him appear palatable in our ethos of entitlement. He even goes so far as to praise the likes of Father Theodore Hesburgh, the former president of the University of Notre Dame, for his "contributions" to higher education, ignoring the fact that it was Hesburgh's embrace of government and anti-Catholic foundation grant monies which helped to expedite the de-Catholicization of almost every Catholic university and college in this nation. The delusion state of most conservatives is such that they failed to understand the political dynamics which did indeed exist in the real world following the 2000 election. We were told time and time again by reflexive conservatives that a Bush election would mean the restoration of sanity in the federal judiciary. As I and others pointed out consistently last year, Bush demonstrated as governor of Texas quite a penchant for appointing pro-aborts and pro-sodomites to his state's judiciary. Additionally, though, anyone with a modicum of common sense could have seen that the United States Senate, though nominally in the hands of the Republican Party as a result of its 50-50 split and Vice President Richard N. Cheney's tie-breaking vote, had an effectively 57-43 pro-abortion majority within its midst. That is, there were (until Jeffords's defection) seven Republican senators who supported the destruction of innocent life in the womb as a matter of constitutionally protected rights (in contradistinction to those Republicans who support abortion in some instances while claiming to be "pro-life"). The six who remain the Republican fold are: Maine's Olympia Snow and Susan Collins (who is a Catholic), Rhode Island's Lincoln Chaffee, Pennsylvania's Arlen Specter, Virginia's John Warner, and Colorado's Ben Nighthorse Campbell. Jeffords's defection to vote organizationally with the Democratic Party only strengthens the hands of the baby-killers in his former party, who will now be emboldened to join ranks with their ideological soulmates in the Democratic Party to oppose any of Bush's judicial nominees who even are suspected of being a threat to Roe v. Wade. That is why I wrote several pieces in the immediate aftermath of the election ("Justice Will Lose No Matter Who Wins," "A Long Four Years Ahead," "Get a Grip on Reality," and "Unprecedented Access") to remind people about the actual reality of the situation we face. How ironic it is that the very people who claim to be pragmatic realists ignore reality to continue to insist that the delusional notion of the pursuit of justice without regard to a frank, confessional reliance on Christ the King and the authority of His true Church is not only possible but desirable. I am not entirely sure that these developments distress President George W. Bush. Oh, I am sure that he is not happy that James Jeffords, a real pro-abort and pro-sodomite, has left the party fold. After all, personal and party loyalty is what matters to the Bushes, not loyalty to the primacy of the Divine positive law and the natural law over us men and our civil society. Former President George Herbert Walker Bush evidently tried to convince Jeffords not to declare himself an independent and to vote organizationally with the Democratic Party. "Moderate" (read: "pro-abort") Republican Senators tried to persuade Jeffords to stay the course as a Republican. However, Jeffords's defection gives Bush the excuse I believe he has been looking for to appoint pro-aborts to the federal bench, such as White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales, and to push for more and more government involvement in our daily lives, as is being done with his much-touted "education reform' bill -- which paves the way for national testing standards and the permanent involvement of the federal government in a matter that is the sole prerogative of parents. The president will increasingly mimic the failed tactics of his father, who sought endlessly to appease opponents bent on achieving his complete and total political destruction. Efforts will be made to make "moderate" (read: "pro-abort") Republicans feel more "comfortable" in the Grand Old Party. In other words, Bush II is morphing in Bush I, with Tom Daschle doing to Bush the younger what George Mitchell had done to Bush the elder: push the president increasingly to the left while giving him no credit for moving increasingly to left. In actual point of fact, however, President George Walker Bush has been governing with a view to pleasing the pro-abortion wing of his party and the national sentiment in favor of retaining at least some form of legalized baby-killing. This is why the new administration has done nothing to reverse the Food and Drug Administration's licensing of the manufacture of RU-486 and has done nothing to stop the funding of fetal tissue research and experimentation. The new administration continues to fund the chemical abortion of babies internationally by means of so-called family planning programs. And Howard Phillips has conclusively demonstrated the sham that is the reinstatement of the Mexico City policy of denying American taxpayer funds to agencies and programs that either perform or promote abortions. These organizations have more than enough money of their own to continue killing babies, and our taxpayer dollars continue to be used for contraception and sex-instruction. President Bush included funding for Title X programs in his budget, meaning that so-called "family planning" programs are being promoted in this country with our tax dollars. The new administration is proving itself to be exactly what I predicted it would be throughout last year and into this: a careerist effort to maintain itself in power by giving lip service to the life issue on various occasions while continuing to institutionalize the triumph of policies of death in our law and in our culture. The loss of Republican control of the Senate was probably inevitable. South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond, who will turn 99 years of age this coming December, might die before his term expires at the end of next year. South Carolina's governor, a Democrat, would fill Thurmond's seat with a fellow Democrat. Thus, it might have been only a matter of time before the Democrats regained control of the United States Senate. Nevertheless, James Jeffords's defection demonstrates that the delusional hopes of secular conservatives rested not only on a fragile political coalition but upon the false premise that it is possible to pursue the common good without regard to Christ the King and the authority of His true Church, that it is possible for people who are active enemies of the sanctity of life are fit to serve in government without posing a direct threat to the common good conservatives say they want to pursue. An administration which has the likes of Andrew Card, Donald Rumsfeld (who is very homosexual-friendly), Colin Powell, Christine Todd Whitman, Tommy Thompson, Condoleeza Rice, and Alberto Gonzales is flawed of its very nature. It is impossible for pro-aborts, whether they serve in the Executive Branch or in the Congress or in the Judiciary, to promote the common good precisely because they are at war with the primacy of the Divine positive law and the natural law over us men and our civil societies. When are we ever going to learn that secular conservatism is not the answer? When are we ever going to learn that religious indifferentism one of the roots of our problems, not the modus operandi by which we can address difficult issues in a pluralistic nation. When are we going to take seriously the injunction given the Apostles by our Lord before He Ascended to the Father's right hand in glory to convert the world to the true Faith? When are conservative Catholics going to stop deluding themselves about the state of things and start to recapture the wisdom of Popes Leo XIII, St. Pius X, and Pius XI about the necessity of praying and working for the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ and the Queenship of His Most Blessed Mother? The country is not with us. It will never be with us unless we are united in our efforts to serve Christ the King through His true Church and to plant the seeds for the conversion of this nation to the truth that sovereignty resides not in the people of any nation but in the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity made Man. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Thomas Droleskey, speaker and lecturer, is a professor of political science, the author of CHRIST IN THE VOTING BOOTH and THERE IS NO CURE FOR THIS CONDITION (, and editor of the "Christ or Chaos" newsletter. 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