A FREE COUNTRY? by Thomas A. Droleskey June 7, 2001 We labor under the misapprehension that we live in a free country. We do not. Oh, there is a considerable degree of physical freedom in the United States of America to promote sinful behavior under the cover of law and in every aspect of our popular culture. However, those who dissent from the prevailing cultural and political orthodoxies are not free to express themselves publicly without coming in for a good deal of calumny, as Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn pointed out in his famous June 8, 1978, commencement address at Harvard University. Although formal censorship of politically incorrect thought has not yet reached the stage of the former Soviet Union or even that of Canada (where there are state-sponsored efforts to curb all criticism of abortion and sodomy), fashionable opinions are fastidiously separated from those considered to be reactionary and intolerant. Sadly, this is as true in the Church (where modernists seek to silence all those who dissent from the tenets of the New Age) as it is in society. Even the myths of free speech and the right of freedom of association are becoming more transparent with the passing years. This country is governed essentially by a one-party oligarchy, the Republicrats (as Howard Phillips calls the Republicans and Democrats), whose leaders believe that we exist to enable them to win office so that they can pick our pockets of our private property to resolve our personal problems better than we could if they did not pick our pockets. Naturally, this is designed to create an entire citizenry which is expected to depend upon the beneficence of the State for material prosperity and personal happiness. Citizens are expected to believe that we cannot exist without the established two-party system (wherein the leaders of the two parties disagree only on the degree to which statist, collectivist, redistributionist, relativist programs will control our personal and social lives). Indeed, citizens are expected to believe that minor parties are a threat to the benefits provided us by the myth of the two-party system, and must therefore be done away with in order to prevent nuisance candidates from clogging the machinery of government. Although I am critic of the Founding of this nation in that the Founders were products of the Renaissance, Protestant Revolt, the so-called Age of Reason and the subsequent rise of Freemasonry, some of the Founders did recognize the dangers that would be posed to the nation if established political parties formed and a class of professional politicians were to arise. George Washington, for example, knew that established political parties and professional politicians would result in the crushing of that legitimate dissent from anything that posed a threat to the power of those entrenched in government positions. Indeed, the two established political parties are so entrenched at the state and local levels that it is their hacks who control the election laws which make it so very difficult for minor political parties to form and to compete against them. Can't have any competition to the two-party system, right? After all, this is American, right? Even one who does not understand the flawed nature of the American Founding, however, has to admit that there is not one blessed word about political parties in the United States Constitution. The two-party system is not only not received from the hand of God, it is not received from the synthetic document which created the national government of the United States of America which went into effect on March 4, 1789. True, many of the leading lights of the Founding were involved in the organization of the first political parties in the 1790s and merrily participated in them. However, there is nothing in the context of the Founding of this nation which asserts that citizens must be restricted to choosing between the candidates of only two political parties, as though a political party is a true secular church outside of which there is no secular salvation. Alas, it is the flawed nature of the Founding which gave rise to established political parties and to their entrenchment in power. That is, if people do not recognize the primacy of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ or the authority of His true Church as the ultimate governor on matters of fundamental justice, then individuals must invent their own means to solve social problems, believing in a very Pelagian manner that it is possible for human beings to solve social problems without a belief in or cooperation with sanctifying grace. We can resolve the problems of the world on our own by the use of reason alone, unaided by the light of Divine Revelation or the supernatural helps given us in the sacraments. And as the Protestantism of its nature asserts that believers are saved once they make a profession of faith (or that, in the Calvinist strain, they are predestined for Heaven, which is demonstrated tangibly on earth by the degree of material prosperity they have achieved), there is no need for government to be concerned about the fostering of those conditions conducive to the salvation of souls, No, government and politics can be reduced to the pursuit of commercial and economic goals, with political parties becoming the principal means by which the spoils of a nation may be divided. The established political parties, therefore, have a vested interest in the maintenance of the status quo. Their capture of the levers of power at the state and local levels has given them the ability to limit the ballot access of all potential competitors. Laws have been passed by one state legislature after another to limit ballot access by placing all manner of unreasonable burdens on those who desire to provide voters with alternatives to our class of permanent rulers. Oh, various rationales are given by the permanent rulers to justify those laws (costs too much money to print long ballots, gets too cumbersome to count votes, unnecessary time and money are spent supervising the primaries held by "frivolous" parties). However, the plain fact of the matter is quite simple: the limitation of ballot access in most of the states of the United States of America is an effort on the part of the two organized crime families who rule us (the Democrats and the Republicans) to keep their monopoly on power. As I noted in a column just about two years ago in CHRIST OR CHAOS, the best way to limit the power of professional politicians is to eliminate all campaign contribution and spending limits (which are violations of legitimate free speech) and to eliminate all barriers to the participation of minor parties in the electoral process. Although there is no salvation whatsoever in electoral politics, it does provide us with a forum in which to articulate the primacy of the binding precepts of the Divine positive law and the natural law over us men and our civil societies. Indeed, more good can be accomplished by a failed candidate running for office who articulates our Lord's received teaching as it relates to the realm of genuine social justice than by a successful candidate who trims his sails in order to win a particular election -- and who therefore governs cautiously so as not to jeopardize his re-election two or four or six years hence. One of the reasons we are stuck with candidates committed to abject evil or those who are concerned only about their own electoral success is that voters are not provided with alternatives who could challenge their uncritical acceptance of the prevailing political and cultural orthodoxy. Ironically, the State of New York has been one of the few states with a fairly generous ballot access provision for minor parties. It has been the case for many years now that a political party needs to receive at least 50,000 votes for its gubernatorial candidate in a gubernatorial election year to secure a permanent place on the ballot for statewide and countywide elections. The Liberal Party of the State of New York formed in the 1940s so as to try to move the Democratic Party to the left. It has maintained ballot access ever since. The Conservative Party of the State of New York formed to move the Thomas Dewey-Nelson Rockefeller Republican Party to the right. The New York State Right to Life Party formed in 1978 when it was evident that both of the major party candidates for governor that year (incumbent Governor Hugh Carey and his challenger, former Speaker of the New York State Assembly Perry Duryea). Its first candidate for governor, Mary Jane Tobin, received well over 100,000 votes, placing the Right to Life Party on the ballot, where it has been for the past twenty-three years. Other minor parties have come and gone. One of the newer parties is the Green Party, which secured its ballot access in 1998 when its gubernatorial candidate, the scatological Al Lewis (who played Officer Leo Schnauzer on CAR 54, WHERE ARE YOU? and Grandpa on THE MUNSTERS), received enough votes to place the party on the line through the 2002 gubernatorial elections. The Liberal Party has had a degree of success over the years, although it has really wanted in influence in the last twenty years or so. Incumbent New York City Mayor John Vliet Lindsay, who died just a few months ago, won re-election to a second term in 1969 on the Liberal Party line, having lost a Republican primary to Staten Island State Senator John Marchi. The Conservative Party achieved a few successes over the years, the most significant of which was the election of James Buckley to the United States Senate in a three- way race. Indeed, Buckley's victory convinced Rockefeller, who won his fourth term as New York governor in 1970, to forge an alliance with the Conservative Party, alluring its leaders with patronage positions so as to coopt it from being a real threat to the Republican Party. The strategy worked, which is one of the reasons the Right to Life Party was formed. The Conservative Party signed on to pro-abortion Perry Duryea's candidacy in 1978. And though the party ran New York University professor Herbert London against Mario Cuomo and the Republican's hapless Pierre Rinfret in 1990, it merrily backed the thoroughly pro-abortion governor/lieutenant governor ticket of then State Senator George Pataki and Elizabeth "Betsy" McCaughey in 1994. The Conservative Party also backed the pro-abortion Rick Lazio in 2000. One of its most colorful moments occurred in 1965 when one of its founders, William F. Buckley, Jr., was its candidate for Mayor of the City of New York, running against Democratic Abraham D. Beame and the aforementioned John V. Lindsay, then a member of the United States House of Representatives. The New York State Right to Life Party has been a thorn in the side of the major parties for a long time. It was the votes received on the Right to Life Party line that gave then Town of Hempstead, New York, Presiding Supervisor Alphonse M. D'Amato his razor thin margin of victory in 1980 over then Representative Elizabeth Holtzman and incumbent Senator Jacob K. Javits (who ran on the Liberal Party line after losing to D'Amato unexpectedly in a Republican Primary) for a seat in the United States Senate. The party also gave D'Amato his margin of victory in 1992 when he was challenged by New York State Attorney General Robert Abrams, which is why he wanted to receive the party's nomination in 1998, believing that he could grab the nomination once more without being challenged on how he had worked against life in the Senate and had helped to create and to promote the career of pro-abortion politicians in the Republican Party. More than that, however, the Right to Life Party has been an instrument in keeping the life issue alive during the course of elections. Nassau County District Attorney Denis E. Dillon, then a Democrat, got a lot of attention for the life issue in 1986 when he challenged his fellow Democrat, Mario Cuomo, in the general election that year on the Right to Life Line. (What was the name of his running-mate? Just can't recall right now.) Henry Hewes ran a very credible campaign for Mayor of the City of New York in 1980 against pro-aborts Rudolph W. Giuliani and David N. Dinkins. George Marlin ran against Giuliani and Dinkins in 1993 before he succumbed to the allure of political expediency by joining the camp of George Pataki in 1994. And Bob Walsh, the party's gubernatorial nominee in 1994, helped to defeat the Republican pro-abortion candidate chosen by Suffolk County, New York, machine politicians to replace the pro-abortion Rick Lazio in the United States House of Representatives. Finally, a certain chap helped to keep the focus on the life issue in 1998 when he challenged D'Amato unsuccessfully in the first-ever statewide Right to Life Party primary. Minor party candidates in New York have participated in debates with the major party candidates. Indeed, I thoroughly enjoyed debating then United States Representative Stan Lundine and Ulster County, New York, District Attorney Michael Cavanaugh in a lieutenant governor candidates' forum held at THE NEW YORK TIMES on October 14, 1986. And many people I know have run for office locally on the Right to Life Party, doing exceedingly well in televised debates. There is no telling how many souls have been influenced by stands taken by those who do not accept the premise that even one innocent human life is negotiable. Former New York City Mayor Edward Irving Koch, a thorough-going pro- abort, told a caller to his WABC Radio program in August of 1998 that he had nothing but admiration for the man who was challenging D'Amato in the Right to Life Party primary that year, stating that the man had the right to stand up for what he believed in no matter the unlikelihood of winning the primary. If nothing else, candidates who have run on the Right to Life Party line have kept the most pressing moral issue of the day alive at a time when the major parties want it dead and buried forever. Well, using all of the specious arguments listed before, a move has begun in Albany County, New York, to "pressure" (as if any pressure is needed) the state legislature to raise the number of votes required for a party to stay on the ballot for a period of four years from 50,000 votes to 100,000 votes. The Right to Life Party has reached that plateau in 1978, 1986, and 1990. It got just over 50,000 votes in 1982, and slightly more than that in 1994 and 1998. The professional politicians want to get rid of the life issue once and for allñand if that means doing away with other parties to provide them the cover for doing so, all well and good. As I have written endlessly in CHRIST OR CHAOS over the last five years, the only language that career politicians understand is votes. How ironic it is that the pragmatic, expedient-based leadership of both major political parties in the State of New York is composed of Catholics. Indeed, there have been successive elections in the State of New York in which totally pro-abortion Catholics have been the gubernatorial nominees of both major political parties (Cuomo versus Pataki in 1994; Pataki versus New York City Council Speaker Peter Vallone in 1998). This is the future of *national* politics, ladies and gentlemen, which is why I have spent so much time detailing this matter. The defenseless unborn need a voice in the forum provided us by electoral politics. And they are not going to have a voice in electoral politics in this nation if the Right to Life Party goes under. Sure, it is possible for the Right to Life Party to meet the 100,000 vote barrier in next year's gubernatorial election. However, it is going to take a lot of good Catholics to make a break from thinking that a pro-abortion Republican is less dangerous than a pro- abortion Democrat. It is going to take a lot of good Catholics to understand that the New York State Right to Life *Committee,* which supports abortion in alleged threats to the life of a mother (as does the National Right to Life Committee) would have found some way to have endorsed Hillary Clinton if she had been a Republican. It is going to take a lot of good Catholics to understand that we must love the good more than we fear the evil. For the more and more we enable the so- called lesser of two evils, the higher and higher the dosage of the so-called "lesser" evil becomes over time. Mind you, I do not believe that there is a secular, religiously indifferentist way to end baby-killing, which has its roots in all of the many factors I outlined in summary form in "From Luther to Clinton to Gore" in the late-December/mid-January issue of CHRIST OR CHAOS. We must work to plant the seeds for the establishment of the recognition of the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ and of the authority of His true Church as the ultimate arbiter on matters of fundamental justice. To that cause I have dedicated my life and my career, marginalizing myself very much in the process. So be it. I did not invent the papal encyclical letters on the state, which merely summarized Catholic teaching on the right ordering of the civil order to the reality of the Kingship of Christ and the authority of His true Church. However, it is important to plant the seeds to remind Catholics of these truths, no matter the lack of initial fruit or tangible success. Nevertheless, a political party dedicated to the restoration of legal protection for all innocent human life without any exception whatsoever serves a vital purpose in helping to remind voters that there are people who have not surrendered to the prevailing cultural orthodoxy. The very simple symbol chosen by the New York State Right to Life Party, an unborn child in the womb, conveys a great deal to voters when they cast their votes. Thus, regardless of the efforts underway in the State of New York to raise the number of votes required for a political party to stay on the ballots, pro-life voters across the nation must understand that the time to stand up and make the break from professional, careerist politicians has long since passed. As I demonstrate in "No Rational Basis," we are not getting anything but symbolism from President George W. Bush. And we are getting outright opposition from his political allies in the State of New York. May our Lady, the Mirror of Justice and the Seat of Wisdom, pray for us so that we can understand the necessity of giving voice to the voiceless unborn, whose little lives were sanctified when Life Himself sanctified her virginal and immaculate womb. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Thomas Droleskey, speaker and lecturer, is a professor of political science, the author of CHRIST IN THE VOTING BOOTH and THERE IS NO CURE FOR THIS CONDITION (www.hopeofstmonica.com), and editor of the "Christ or Chaos" newsletter. This column is distributed and archived by Griffin Internet Syndicate, http://griffnews.com. All rights reserved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may forward this column if you use this disclaimer: Subscribe to Dr. Droleskey's column. See "Subscribe" at www.griffnews.com or call 800-513-5053. |