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THE FASCISM OF THE LEFT by Thomas A. Droleskey January 24, 2002 "Without any censorship in the West, fashionable trends of thought are fastidiously separated from those that are not fashionable, and the latter, without ever being forbidden, have little chance of finding their way into periodicals or books or being heard in colleges. Your scholars are free in the legal sense, but they are hemmed in by the idols of the prevailing fad. There is no open violence as in the East; however, a selection dictated by fashion and the need to accommodate mass standards frequently prevents the most independent-minded persons from contributing to public life and gives rise to dangerous herd instincts that block successful development. In America, I have received letters from highly intelligent persons -- maybe a teacher in a faraway small college who could do much for the renewal and salvation of his country, but the country cannot hear him because the media will not provide him with a forum. This gives birth to strong mass prejudices, to a blindness which is perilous in our dynamic era." These words were spoken by Dr. Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn in a commencement address delivered at Harvard University on June 8, 1978. Long before the term "politically correct" had been coined, Solzhenitsyn had noted that Western society is hardly as "free" as it claims to be, that the controlling intellectual and cultural elite censor quite carefully the flow of information to the average citizen, to say nothing of controlling what the average person is supposed to think about the frequently doctored information that is fed to him in newspapers and on television and radio newscasts. The situation is far more blatant now than it was twenty- four years ago when Solzhenitsyn was scorned by America's intellectual elite for daring to assert that Western civilization suffered from the same basic disease which afflicted Russia in her captivity to the Bolsheviks. Those who control this nation's news outlets have a vested interest in managing the news in an ideological manner so as to prevent anyone or any event which might reflect unfavorably on the prevailing cultural orthodoxy from being made known to the general public. Case-in-point: the twenty-ninth annual March for Life, which was held on January 22, 2002, in Washington, D.C. March for Life Education and Defense Fund organizers indicated to the press that more than 100,000 people gathered on the Ellipse before marching up to Capitol Hill to demonstrate their commitment to the restoration of legal protection for the innocent unborn, as well as to ensure the protection of all innocent human life from the first moment of fertilization to the time of natural death. Hundreds of buses carrying thousands of people make their way down to our nation's capital city from points north, south, east, and west of the Potomac River. Others make their way by air or in their own cars. Scores of elected officials address the crowd gathered on the Ellipse. The president of the United States even addressed the crowd by a telephone hookup with March for Life President Nellie Gray. This is a major news story, right? No, not in the eyes of the fascists who control the American media. More than has been the case in recent years (which has seen the amount of coverage given to the March for Life shrivel to next-to-nothing), the March for Life was ignored by virtually ever major media outlet in the United States. My wife and I searched in vain while driving between lecturing engagements in northern California to find even one reference to the March on CBS Radio national news on the hour. Not one. I searched the web sites of THE NEW YORK TIMES, the NEW YORK POST, Associated Press, and Fox News Channel to find out some news of what was happening at an event I myself participated in annually until my schedule called for me to be on the West Coast in the month of January. As I do not have access to a television (and could not watch same even if I did have such access because of my travel schedule), I do not know what coverage was given to the March for Life on the broadcast and cable news programs. However, there was evidently very little coverage from what I have been able to discover. Indeed, THE WASHINGTON TIMES, which is owned and operated by the cult called the Unification Church of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, even refused to accept a pro- life advertisement sponsored by the American Life League. And although the paper did have an article on the March, it ran one photograph which attempted to depict pro- lifers as "angry" people. It turns out that THE WASHINGTON POST ran a much more complete story than the supposedly more conservative TIMES, as was pointed out to me by several people following the initial draft of this article. However, the nation's newspaper of record, THE NEW YORK TIMES, itself ran only a photograph in its national edition, complete with a caption making it appear as though an equal number of people on "both sides" of the abortion debate had gathered to mark the 29th anniversary of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in Roe v. Wade. That was it. A lone photograph with a misleading caption designed to misrepresent and underreport the facts of this year's March for Life. Although my own search of news stories was admittedly cursory, given the exigencies of my schedule, the only newspaper I could find which contained an actual news story about the March was in the SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS. It is important to frame this news blackout in its proper context. Imagine this scenario: more than 100,000 American citizens journeyed to Washington to protest the treatment of Taliban and al-Qaeda detainees being held at the Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba. Busloads of people made their way to Washington for the demonstration. Senate Majority Leader Thomas Daschle, concerned about this country's human rights image abroad, addressed the crowd by telephone hookup from his office in the Capitol, as did Senator Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The thousands of people who gathered on the Ellipse then marched to Capitol Hill to demand "humane" treatment for the detainees, caught red-handed in their efforts to support terrorism and to kill members of the American armed forces. Does anyone believe that the national news media would not be covering such a story? The cable networks would be providing continuous live coverage of the event. Even the broadcast networks would devote considerable time to the story, perhaps even assigning reporters to travel with the busloads of people as they journeyed to Washington, thus documenting the "sacrifices" made by these concerned citizens. There would be endless coverage on television and radio, to say nothing of column space devoted to it in newspapers. Not so, obviously, for the March for Life. Ah, some sanctimonious apologists of the fascism of the American Left will say that the March is not news, that the same people gather every year to say the same thing. I guarantee you that a gathering of homosexual and lesbian activists which took place every year would receive complete news coverage. Indeed, the very fact that people make sacrifices to travel to Washington to participate in the March for Life is itself newsworthy, as it demonstrates a degree of commitment to persevere in a cause no matter the political and cultural and legal obstacles which make such dedication all the more noteworthy. Scores of stories could be written about the people who bus in from Kansas and Illinois and Wisconsin and Texas and Missouri, to say nothing of those who must leave around 3:00 a.m. from Massachusetts and Rhode Island and New Hampshire to make it to Washington in time for the March. Other stories could be written and broadcast about the Mass held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception the night before the March and about the hundreds of people who spend all night praying before the Blessed Sacrament, exposed solemnly in the Crypt Church of the National Shrine. Even the demography of the March, which includes thousands of young people, is a source for dozens of print and television and radio stories. When all is said and done, however, the national news media in this nation support abortion. They must spin for the abortionists and the feminist organizations and the politicians of both major political parties who support the destruction of innocent children in their mothers wombs. Thus, no effort is going to be made to cover completely and objectively a prayerful, peaceful gathering of American citizens who take a politically incorrect and culturally proscribed position on an issue considered closed by those who constitute Americas secular magisterium. The very people who deny even the possibility of infallibly revealed truths safeguarded by the Church Jesus Christ created upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope, believe they are infallible and that any dissent from their received teaching is not only unnewsworthy, it is demonstrative of bigotry and ignorance and intolerance. There is a word for this hypocrisy: fascism. Those who fear the truth do not want to report things as they are. They do not want to give anyone an opportunity to make the case against what is considered to be our prevailing cultural orthodoxy. Our news is managed in this country just as much as it is in out-and-out dictatorships, except that the news is managed to the left here quite voluntarily by people who are on a mission to marginalize and demonize anyone and anything which does not conform in lockstep with dogmatic leftist orthodoxy. Those who participate in the March for Life do not do so for public consumption. The lion's share of those who participate in it are Catholics, men and women who offer up their sacrifices and their nearly invisible and unreported witness to the Father through the Son in Spirit and in Truth. Those who are consecrated to the Mother of God, in whose virginal and immaculate womb the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity deigned to be conceived as a helpless embryo by the Holy Ghost at the Annunciation, give the merit they earn as a result of their witness to her to be used as she sees fit for the honor and glory of God and for the conversion of souls. Nevertheless, it is so sad to see such courageous witnesses ignored with complete impunity by a news media intent on distorting reality in order to advance its own perverted ends. Copyright 2002 Griffin Internet Syndicate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Thomas Droleskey, speaker and lecturer, is a professor of political science, the author of CHRIST IN THE VOTING BOOTH and THERE IS NO CURE FOR THIS CONDITION (www.hopeofstmonica.com), and editor of the CHRIST OR CHAOS newsletter. This column is distributed and archived by Griffin Internet Syndicate, http://www.griffnews.com. 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