Publish, edit, manage, promote, and distribute newsletters
The Real News of the Month
(edited by author and columnist Joe Sobran) (current client)
- With Justice for All (the newsletter of the Law
Enforcement Legal Defense Fund) (current client)
- Blackboard (the official organ of Save Our Schools, Inc.)
- Kwacha News (a publication of the Free Angola
Information Service). An unofficial program for a dinner honoring Dr. Savimbi can be seen here and here.
Press conferences
- Accuracy in Media
- Center for American Unity
- Coalition for Teen Health
- Conservative Caucus
- Conservative Digest magazine
- Corcoran for Senate Committee
- Eagle Forum
- International Committee for the Rescue of KAL 007 Survivors
- Bestselling author Malachi Martin
- Project Sex Respect
- Conservative Activist Phyllis Schlafly
- Virginians for Viguerie
Major receptions in Washington, D.C.
- Buchanan for President (1992 campaign)
- Book Reception for Nobility and Analogous Tradition Elites in
the Allocutions of Pius XII
Organize and plan major banquets in
Washington, D.C.
- Catholic League for Religious & Civil Rights
- Christendom College
- Faith Whittlesey Roast
- Intercollegiate Studies Institutes 35th Anniversary Celebration
- James Monroe Memorial Foundation
- Joseph Story Societys Tribute to Judge Robert Bork
- Lew Lehrman Roast
- Life Issues Institute Kick-Off Banquet
- Monticello Foundation
- National Center for Public Policy Research: William Bradford Reynolds
- Senator Jesse Helms Roast
- Touchstone Magazine
Managed major conferences in Washington, D.C.
for the following:
- The Heritage Foundations Conference on Chile: The Unknown
Revolution Chiles Transition to Democracy
- Conference on Namibia: SWA/Namibian Elections and Their
Impact on America
- Conservative Leadership Conference
- Committee for a Free Afghanistan
- Dominican Rosary Pilgrimage
Arranged promotion for major conferences in
Washington, D.C.
- Ad Hoc Committee for Democracy in Nicaragua
- Americas Survival
- Eagle Forum (seven conferences in Washington, D.C.)
- Federalist Society's 1988 Annual Convention with President Reagan
- Independent Institute
- International Telecard Foundation
- Jefferson Educational Foundation
- Congressman Lawrence McDonald Memorial at Constitution Hall
- The Wanderer Forum
- Wharton School Club of Washington, D.C.
- Young Americas Foundation
Set up Committee to Oppose Gulf War; handled
all administrative details; arranged promotional appearances on
media; arranged press conferences
- Committee to Avert a Mideast Holocaust
Promotional press releases; set up media
- Black PAC
- Christ or Chaos newsletter, edited by
Dr. Thomas Droleskey
- Coalition Against World Empire
- Conservative Digest
- Council for Inter-American Security
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- English First
- Finance Business Forms Company
- Financial Independence Week
- The Samuel Francis Newsletter
- Free Angola Information Service (President Jonas Savimbi of UNITA,
the freedom fighters in Angola). An unofficial program for a dinner honoring Dr. Savimbi can be seen here and here.
- Free Congress Foundation
- Free the Eagle
- Free the Fathers
- Geopolitique
- Independent Institute
- Institute for Contemporary Studies
- International Policy Forum
- Human Events newspaper
- Melkite National Convention
- National Alliance of Senior Citizens
- National Catholic Coalition
- National Christian Action Coalition
- Republican National Coalition for Life
- Save Our Schools, Inc.
- Columnist Joseph Sobran
- Count Nikolai Tolstoy, historian
- U.S. Business & Industrial Council
Book tours, advertising campaigns, and
publicity for authors
- Ron Arnold: At the Eye of the Storm James Watt and the
- Bestselling author Malachi Martin (two books): The Jesuits: The
Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church;
and The Keys of This Blood: The Struggle for World Dominion
between Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Gorbachev and the Capitalist
- Paul Fisher: Behind the Lodge Door
- General Daniel Graham: High Frontier A Strategy for National
- Stephen P. Halbrook: That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of
a Constitutional Right
- E. Michael Jones: John Cardinal Krol and the Cultural
- William Kennedy: A Taxpayer Survey of the Grace Commission
- Josh McDowell: Why Wait?
- Eric Pastuszek: Is the Fetus Human?
- Leon Podles: The Church Impotent: The Feminization of
- James C. Roberts: The Conservative Decade
- Enrique Rueda: The Homosexual Network
- Phyllis Schlafly: Who Will Rock the Cradle?
- Gerald Seals: Taming City Hall: Rightsizing for Results
- Joseph Sobran:
- Richard Vedder and Lowell Gallaway: Out of Work: Unemployment
and Government in Twentieth-Century America
- Richard Viguerie: The New Right: Were Ready to
- Hilmar von Campe: Moral Meltdown: The Core of Globalism
Book publishing
- Hustler: The Clinton Legacy,
by Joe Sobran, selected and edited
by Tom McPherren
- Anything Called a Program Is Unconstitutional: Confessions of a Reactionay Utopian,
by Joe Sobran; selected by Ronald N. Neff and arranged by Tom McPherren
Arranged national meetings at White House
and in Washington, D.C.
- America At Risk Coalition (1985-87)
Assisted in planning three state visits of
Jonas Savimbi, President of UNITA (Angolan freedom
fighters). An unofficial program for a dinner honoring Dr. Savimbi can be seen here and here.
Managed extensive media campaign to promote
issue of space-based defense
- American Space Frontier Committee
- Military Strategist, Lt. Gen. Daniel O. Graham
- High Frontier, Inc.
Promoted artists work; arranged
receptions to display sculpture; set up speeches for artist
- Sculptor H. Reed Armstrong
Consulting work to train employees in
press/media relations
- Center for National Labor Policy
- Finance Business Forms
Designed brochure
- Dominican House of Studies
- The Conservative Networks "Political Memorabilia Auction"